>>53732872Lake Valor was next.
Percival trekked on. Fight after fight, mon after mon. With everyone he'd lose, he'd gain another. Sometimes even two more. But he could hardly allow some of his catches onto his team. The way their typings and abilities clashed would put what little remained of his old friends in even greater jeopardy than they already were. And there was no way the grunt could risk that. No way, no how, not now.
These losses weighed heavily on him. As he saw his Mamoswine lose his bravado. And he saw his Crobat continue to change before his eyes once more.
It almost felt wrong not to intervene.
And Percival knew his feelings really didn't matter in a mission like this.
But they mattered to his team, did they not? And to himself, even as a grunt.
Such thoughts plagued Percy's mind as he began attempting to soothe his two most stalwart companions, Moose and Covie.
He'd gone through the trouble of learning their names- of what they like, of who on the team they liked best- to maximize efficiency earlier, but only now did those names begin to have meaning to him.
To apply to his tools in any regard beyond simple identification.
Covie and Moose... these were monikers worn by experienced battlers. Mon he'd gone through things with. Mon whose attitudes changed, whose experiences made them grow. Means to an end before all else, maybe, but what beyond that?
Companions. Friends.
The closest things to human contact that he had outside of bloody trainer battles on this brutal journey.
...he continued onward. To Snowpoint.