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This is about Mega pokemon, but you can also incorporate Gen 4 evos (like Magmortar) into the mix as well.
I have a problem with Gamefreak's creativity. Here's what happens when pokemon evolve:
>they get bulkier
>more spikes
>more of what they have already (spoons, mouths, bones, shells)
The main one is bulkiness, and it's a huge problem. When pokemon evolve, it seems that Gamefreak takes that to mean that the pokemon must get fat/slow/bulky/awkward looking.
Contrast that to Digimon. Many Digimon change when they evolve, but that doesn't mean getting fat. Garurumon to Weregarurumon is a good example. Togemon to Lilymon is a good example. They change, but are transformed into something sleeker and more streamlined.
Look at Mega Heracross, Mega Manectric, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Blastoise, Mega Scizor... they become unnecessarily fat and ugly, with no strong design changes. It's disappointing, and makes me think that Megas will all be fat and uncreative in the future.
What do you think?