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Much has been said about the bizarre decision of FRLG to block out non-Kanto Pokemon until the postgame, but I don't think anyone has ever noticed how this decision actually enhances the experience in the Sevii Islands, contributing to the archipelago's off-putting and unsettling yet nevertheless familiar atmosphere. The presence of Johto Pokemon, which should be present right next to Kanto, helps strike a chord with the nostalgia bone and making the islands seem familiar, while simultaneously making them feel exotic and distant with selections of many psychic types like Natu and Wobbufett.
The side quests are nice flavor to help tie in the islands with Kanto, but what really makes the experience is the eerie atmosphere due to locations such as Berry Forest, Icefall Cave, Memorial Pillar, Pattern Bush, Ruin Valley, Sevault Canyon and Tanoby Ruins (alongside the mystery gift exclusives Navel Rock and Birth Island). The presence of Unown and cryptic Braille puzzles as well as an emphasis on exploration gives an aura of uncertainty and excitement. I remember somehow still finding new locations and rare Pokemon months into my save file.
Truly an underrated experience and I wish there were more islands.