How ORAS tutor moves will be implemented: They will each simultaneously become available following the Pokemon achieving an impressive accomplishment. This isn't it for Dedene, just an example.>>21463619"Kush-kush kush!"
In order to break the lock, Dedenne hones in on the powers of his tail and jumps up. With regards to a certain Pikachu, Dedenne uses a new move he's never used before, Iron Tail.
"Neeee...neeeee....NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" he encases his tail in metal, jumps up, somersaults and slams his tail down hard on the lock, breaking it apart in a single hit. The stupid sliding puzzle falls to the ground, and the cage door casually opens.
"Ne ne nee!~" Dedenne lands and gives himself a pat on the back. Pretty good beginner's luck on his part.
>Take a step out?A) Of course!
B) Nope, the door was opened just so Serena could stay inside.