>>55682505ALWAYS spend 600 purple gems on the battlepass. It provides too much value not to.
Other than the battlepass, only spend purple gems on the 6x packs of celebrations bundle. It will take a bit to get 4x of each card but once you do it's the BEST way to earn credits off dupe cards
Make sure to keep 600 purple gems spare though so you have enough to buy the next battlepass
Any other use for purple gems is a scam, it's better to get the celebrations packs and craft any promos or stuff you want with credits instead of buying the promo packs for purple gems
For credits try to avoid crafting cards from the current battlepass' packs, you're likely going to get most of the set just opening packs from the battlepass. So ideally it's better to use credits on cards from older sets you wont get packs to open for.
And obviously don't craft cards if they're given to you later on in the battlepass. Like wasting 600 credits on prime catcher when you get one for free at lvl7