Quoted By:
>be me age 24. Pretransitional transgender boy mode
>never really grew up proper and got more awkward the older I got
>group of 17ish year olds (like 20 - literally a track team) jog up to pokestop(s) I'm chilling by
>one girl shit posts at me in real life "you playing pokemon?"
>answer in natural deep man's voice "yes."
>she walks away
>start crying in public because strange girl feels inside and awkwardness (am boy)
>tfw bike away crying from attractive, but distinctly too young for me pokegirls who I never dreamed would be real and now that they are I can't touch them and worse I don't want to I want TO BE them....
What happened to my childhood? Why is nature broken inside me? Why did gender actually matter I thought it was a meme