Quoted By:
-Find a drawing of a monster you like online.
-Come up with an original name for the monster in the picture
-Give that mon typing, abillity, stats and 4 moves. You CAN create an abillity and up to 2 moves.
-Give a suggested competitive set for you mon
-Rate others creatomons.
I'll start.
Type: Ghost\Fairy
Abillity: Prankster
Unique Moves:
- Fairy Dust - Fairy\Status: The user spreads around the opposing team some of its magical fairy dust, which lowers their Defense and Special Defense stats upon switching into battle.
HP: 70
Attack: 50
Defense: 60
Special Attack: 100
Special Defense: 125
Speed: 85
Suggested Set:
MAX S.Def and HP @ Leftovers
Moves: Fairy Dust
Thunder Wave \ Taunt
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball