It took a while but finally got it all done. I'll go over all the mods I did and things you should know.
>Shiny ChangerThe NPC is located in the abandoned house next to the Ghostbusters. This house might
be updated in the future because there's a weird piece of paper that isn't explained upstairs.
I tried a lot of cool things with this one like movement animations and even implemented a Choose Pokemon function.
Also, the mugshot used for this NPC seems to be an unused portrait of the musicians from the medieval town.
>Xenoverse PortalThe portal is located behind the farmhouse on the starting ranch, there is also an accompanying return portal on the other side.
I ran around the entire Xenoverse with no problems at all but there's a weird surprise waiting at the end.
I set it to appear only after you beat ??? during the story but I didn't personally test it - I didn't create any
new switches for this but instead re-used the switch for the sunbathing robots in Vega City which disappears at the same time so if anyone could test this out, it would be appreciated.
If you are worried, you can always patch this in after you complete the story but I'm pretty sure the devs will eventually add an official way to return here.
>Nature Changer and HAThe two NPCs are located southwest of Ishtar City. The HA inducer is pretty straightforward because that was the first mod I ever made
but I also gave it the ability to toggle between slots 1 and 2 as well. I compacted all the Natures into a single NPC so sadly
the menu isn't the most intuitive but it's all there. I even added subotimal natures and neutral natures for all you
"Proud of it's Power" types. I went through all 25 Natures without crashing but it'd be nice if you guys can report if they all work correctly.