>>19701820>Currently Hunting? Method?Absol. MM
>What are you doing to help pass the time?Watching anime, which apparently I'm into now.
>Favorite Food/Drink?Lasagna/Water
>Favourite Shiny? Least Favourite?Spinarak. Garchomp
>Best Ball?Great
I hatched three shiny Absols in like 2 days trying to get a female one that's pentaperfect, what I got instead were:
-Female xx/31/xx/31/xx/31
-Female 31/xx/31/xx/31/31
-Male xx/31/31/xx/31/31
I already promised the male to a friend, but I'm giving away the two females. Both are Naive with Pressure as the ability and Play Rough/Mega Horn as eggmoves. Premier ball, too.
If you want one of them, reply with which one
It'll most likely be the former that everyone wants you want and after 10-15 minutes I'll do a random drawing of post numbers to see who won one. The Absol that wasn't won will have a separate drawing