>>42151990I'm telling you to send Pokemon and you're showing me a fucking hooker, FUCK'S SAKE!
>>42152039It's shit, it's horrible, it's the worst cake I've ever seen. Learn how to make a cake that isn't just fucking whipped cream. You call yourself a chef, but you're a fucking joke.
>>42152210It's a fucking GOAT alright, a pile of goat shit. What's with the spiral? Is he supposed to be a kid's toy or something? He tries to pass off as menacing, but he looks like the type of bloke who would pass out after getting punched once.
>>42152254What a fucking mess. Who would want this? This makes me wish deer were never born.
>>42152322I absolutely despise this thing. It looks like a mascot for a bankrupt pizza place that used to be cool in the 80s but never adapted to change. Unfortunately for me, this isn't the case. Fucking hell...
Alright /vp/, let's wrap this up. I'm only going to say this once: tonight's service was dreadful.
You've sent me over a hundred Pokemon, and yet only ONE of them was good. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, saying you have good taste. I'm leaving for now. Hopefully tomorrow service won't be dogshit.