>>24838050Oh, but that it can. We have plenty to fall back on. Hard times is nothing short of an understatement -- you are falling. Nay, I daresay, have already fallen. What is happening now is the equivalent of an optician giving you the time and date of death, and officially annulling your death. Your slippery slope of 'situation improvement' would be effective, had this improvement not consisted of baby scrunches of the neanderthal level. Your only improvement was your numerous failed endeavors and retreats. Very effectively befitting of a Team always on the cusp of 'blasting off again'.
Meanwhile, our corporation has absolved assets from the likes of failed Magma or Aqua grunts alike nary fond of the hippy-attitude those zombified brats concocted with the deaths of their Teams, retired veterans from the likes of Team Plasma who returned under our harmonious galactic leadership in a motif of the stars when their leader too, turned out to be a massive hippie. You call yourselves rockets, but have you ever truly pierced beyond the clouds? Our scope exceeds the universe itself, 'executive'. Perhaps it would benefit you to purchase a telescope.
...Granted it wouldn't compromise near all your recently ill-gotten income and 'spare' change during these trying times your situation has yet to improve~