>>46471515FR is done
Lorelei = Iron Mike, Marie and Majesty
Bruno = Believe it or not, the closest one to a death. Octavarium almost died to Hitmonlee's Mega Kick, but she dealt with most of Bruno, Marie took out Hitmonlee and Machamp.
Agatha = Agatha's first genger kept going for Double Team while I SD 3 times with Ch'ding and procceded to sweep her.
Lance = Marie killed Gyarados, Rocker took out Aerodactyl and Octavarium Ice Beamed the rest.
Blue = Team effort. The highlight was Rhydon surviving at 1 HP on Rocker's Earthquake, making me able to switch to Ch'ding on a Earthquake. I killed Rhydon with 1 Aerial Ace and Zam was sent out. Ch'ding SURVIVED the Psychic and killed Zam with a crit Slash.
Since no mon really shine more than the rest during the run, Ch'ding gets the MVP for taking out Agatha and Blue's Alakazam on its own.
Time for the last gen3 game now, Emerald.