Choosing C would have removed the existence of a roadblock. Also wat you guys actually like Trevor?>>15492220"O-Ow! W-Watch it you-OH! Crush-It Calem, and Ojou too!"
Trevor blushes with embarrassment while rubbing his head. You imitate him sans the reddening, "Trevor? What are you doing here? I thought Sycamore told us you and the others were way ahead of us..."
Trevor offers a shaky hand, which you and Miss take, "That's right Calem, and on top of that, I remember he also mentioned giving Kanto starters away to them. Do you?"
You cover your face in stark shame, "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH....Don't remind me!"
"My apologies."
Trevor twiddles his fingers, "W-Well uh, FUNNY STORY about that--true story actually! Turns out that a
Wailord who got separated from his friends somehow ended up on a bridge, he's blocking Route 7 now! I-I *think* Tierno and Shauna got through the route before he showed up, b-but I'm not too sure..."
You mumble an all-too- familiar, "Awwwh crap." you can wallow in more self-loathing for these shitty predicaments that all come out of nowhere, Trevor takes out his pokedex, "Alright, since we're here, I want to compare dexes with you! Consider it my own kind of battle!"
Trevor gains a dark and brimming aura about himself that spells nothing short of doom for you. This could be it, THIS COULD BE THE END OF DAYS. It might just be over for you.
Somewhat shaky, you retrieve your own pokedex.
>So just HOW many Pokemon has 'ol Trevor seen again?A) 5.
B) 1.
C) 721.
D) 10