>>21006141When I told a friend about how fast I got the Kangaskhan, she asked me if it would be possible for her to get a shiny Buneary the same way. If you are okay with genning another mon, this is what she's looking for:
Pokémon: Buneary
>Nickname: Pip>Level: 1>Shiny: Yes>Gender: Female>Ability: Run Away>Language: English>--Moves--> Return> Thunder Wave> Heal Bell> Drain Punch>Nature: Jolly>IVs: Max HP, ATK, DEF, SPDEF, SPEED>EVs: 0>OT Name: Spanex>OT Gender: Female>ID/SID: 60164>Pokéball: Love Ball>Origin game: SinnohHer ign is Spanex I think and she disced up saying /vp/ based JK.
And I am still serious about offering a Pokemon themed artwork of your liking for helping me get Kangaskhan (and possibly my friend get Buneary) so please don't hesitate to ask me for a drawing. Pic related, a sample of my artwork