>>45953311So that's the Psudo Legendary huh? Back in my day, the Psudos didn't look like furry cosplayers.
>>45953357Sorry faggot. Only Kanto really matters. The old shit is where the real soul is. Some people say there's soul in Johto and Hoen, but I think most of that is really in Kanto. Go back and listen to the old shit. Look at the old shit, read it. In all it's forms.
And you'll truly understand that kind of magic got trapped in those very old forms of media. And can't be replicated on hi-tech machines. You can't rebrand 151 pokemon 8 times and expect me to keep on buying it. If I can play my Kanto team, then it's ok. If not it's shit.
>>45953508They'd better.
>>45953539Play the old games. Stop buying this new garbage.
>>45953774Because they know the only the old shit is the good shit. That's why they keep bringing it back.
>>45953872I want you to listen to the very first soundtrack. Really listen to it. And tell me you can't hear the very soul of Pokemon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q0nQQIKESwIn every beat Pokemon is alive. It lives and breathes in this music. In these designs. This is the real Pokemon. All others are mere pretenders.
Not a single piece of music in the games that's come out even compares.