http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU1BcTnIqV8"A-Arigatou, g-g-ozaim-masu!~"
The Lass respectfully bows in regards to your very generous purchase, as she's been instructed by the higher-ups to do. Although it may seem like it's one-hundred percent part of business protocol, there does seem to be some legitimate affection tossed in. Five perecnt or so, give or take. Maybe ten.
You are Calem, the ambiguously-aged 15-16 year old from Vaniville Town. Contrary to what you initially assumed, simply getting to the hinterlands in the deep north isn't as easy as you thought it would be. In fact, just /getting there/ seems to be harder than traversing the frosty terrains itself.
Thus jusifying the necessary pitstop in Dendemille Town for supply restocking. You shouldn't have departed so soon without making some proper adjustments to your inventory, a trainer's bag and how many potions it has can always means the difference between life and death.
"Huh? No, no, thank you! I love Lava Cookies! Too bad you can only get them in the tropics, right?"
Actually, to be honest, this stand in particular isn't a Poke Mart and doesn't sell any Hyper Potions at all. All it sells are "regional delicacies", the kind of foodstuffs that you'd only commonly find in other regions unlike your own. From Rare Candies to Rage Candy Bars to Lava Cookies, Old Gateaus, Casteliacones, and everything else.
Overall, the specialty has to be the Lava Cookies, the Lasses are much like girl scouts in that regard. It's their main attraction, they sell that shit, and by god, do they sell it right. For fuck's sake, you've /already/ bought eight boxes, /AND/ you only came for two.