>>13471207The results displayed in the graph are too clear to be ignored. In spite of the best efforts of The World Bank the annual military budget world wide are driven entirely by whales. What it all comes down to is money. Capitalists love whales.
Machiavellian politics is rife. Are our leaders justified in pursuing and maintaining political power? Contrasting the numerous political activists campaigning for the interests of whales can be like looking at night and day.
Consider this, spoken at the tender age of 14 by style icon Esperanza Lionel Forbes Dickinson 'The success of any political system can only truly be assessed once the fat lady has sung.' He was first introduced to whales by his mother. If our political system can be seen as a cake, then whales makes a good case for being the icing. I wait anxiously. What will the next few years bring for whales?
To reiterate, whales have a special place in the heart of mankind. They replenish the self, applaud greatness and never hide.