>decide to check the game before bed, hoping it might drift me to a spawn>dragonite on the list for a pokestop near the edge of my map>actually ridiculously unreasonable to get to (all except for the first pokestop are)>all they do is make it so that I don't get actual nearby sightings>they just taunt me with occasional good spawns that I can't feasibly get toJUST
I don't give a shit about raids having their own tab
if theres a raid I can get to then I can see it on the map already, I don't need a tab for it when it could be showing me up to 9 sightings which would actually be useful
why the heck do they not fix these simple things
>>32974230>>32974368>>32975390what happened to
it used to be the best one but now the site links to some jobs app