Quoted By:
>"Rediscovered" love for pokemon cards recently due to nephew getting into pokemon
>My gf also got really into it with me, too
>She has little knowledge of gens past 1, but has been very open to all the new pokemon
>Her favourite is Fug
Anyways, with Christmas rolling up, I bought some singles and am going to load up some packs for her to open. However, I just recently learned that she has also made some singles purchases for me to have. Importantly, I learned that some of these cards aren't from modern sets and I'm pretty sure she's made some ex-series card purchases. The thing is, she's a complete wild card -- she really just understands the rarity of modern set alt arts and not the things like ex series reverse holos. At least, to my knowledge she didn't know that. For all I know she's been amassing a bunch of delta species and gold stars and stamped reverse holos. Either way, I'm kinda excited to see what she purchased as singles.