Quoted By:
>Get into High School
>The usual nervous shit
>There'a this rather large girl in the 11th grade named Maria
>She's the head honcho around the younger classes, mainly because she was held back twice in 11th Grade, which makes her 4 years older than me
>I accidentally bumped into her
>Latino Brunette with a stupid bowl cut hairstyle, but don't tell her that and red lipstick with glitter
>"watch yourself new kid or else"
>pushes me back with her large shoulders
>months pass
>I barely encounter her cause we mind our own business
>find this hideout with my friends near the school field, it's a bunch of construction equipment and logs that managed to make a pseudo cave
>We chill there from time to time between classes
>One day my friends couldn't make it
>I go into the cave alone
>But I smell some smoke, and hear loud noises
>It's the massive Latino elephant herself
>She notices me first and yells
>Turns it she comes here to smoke, which explains the weird smell I would find here at times
>"Hey, we barely see eye to eye, come over here baby"
>feel incredibly awkward but she loudly goes "Come on you fucking spic" as she grabs my hangs and forces me down, but I'm not even a spic
>Soon realize she's high as fuck
>my book bag was carrying textbook so throwing me down wasn't hard and I couldn't get up
>she kicks me down and turns around, Stars talking some shit in Spanish or whatever the Fuck it is
>stars dropping her pants, oh god her ass is huge as well as her back fat
>oh god she wouldn't
>she does, she jumps and lands her fatass on my face
>it felt so fucking big, she kept talking some Latino shit while still smoking
>she lifts her ass up, only to drop it again
>now she's farting
>I yell to stop
>she gets up, moves flips around to face me and then slaps me
>"I'm about to make your day"
>she kisses me with that glitter lipstick while laying her fat body on me
>why boner.jpg
>"If you want more handsome I need about tree fiddy