>>31691588It's not utter garbage, but it is unremarkable. Falls in the same power bracket as most other starters, where there's too many Pokémon better at its job. It's too rounded, and not necessarily well. Shame too, any number of minor fixes to moveset or stats would've helped it immensely. As it is, I still love it. Thematically and conceptually it works really well for me. Love me some owls, and the idea of it being a spectral, hidden ranger type really fits the nocturnal, camouflaged predator angle.
Smooth doesn't know what they're doing with it, though. It's ranked in the OU viability thread even though it's on the cusp at the bottom with Feraligatr, Hydreigon, Hawlucha, and others, but the thread for discussion was closed because it "isn't viable." Same mod locked the Minior thread because it "isn't good" even though it, too, is ranked. Both examples of lackluster but not totally useless. I don't get it.