>>54926417Because there was never a good reason to hate Gen 5 in the first place. It was just GenWunners throwing a tantrum because they couldn't sweep everything with CHARIZARD and braindead uber-casuals being retarded enough to swallow GenWunners bullcrap about REEE ICECREM REEE GARBAGERINO.. After over a decade of the quality of Pokemon games plummeting, Dexit flat-out erasing old favorites instead of letting people transfer them after getting acquainted with the new pokemon, seeing first hand how Game Freak and TPC treat Johto and its dex as pariahs specifically due to never beign allowed to be anything other than KANTOOOO's backyard; Pokefans are slowly beginning to realize that's Unova and its dex existing for teir own sake instead of being created to be a footstool for KANTOOOOO was a good thing.