Quoted By:
>the starter evos are fake! rowlet wouldn't grow a hood out of nowhere, litten wouldn't be bipedal again and a clown wouldn't evolve into a mermaid!
>pikipek will NEVER evolve into a toucan, even though every single non-starter three stage bird changes species when evolving, and both woodpeckers and toucans are piciformes and have many more in common than hawks and storks, seagulls and pelicans, robins and falcons, starlings and hawks, etc, have
>salandit wouldn't become waifubait, it's just a lizard (just like pidgey and zorua are just a bird and a fox)
>komala NEEDS to evolve, it's way too small (just like chatot) and cute (even though cartoon koalas are always cute)
>crabrawler simply can't evolve, it looks finished as it is