>>42574506>>42574556>>42574637Even /pol/ hates Trump now you fucking idiot (search MIGA and magatard and see how often those get used), gargling Israeli cock and banning protests against Israel, and getting the Fed to hold back the astronomical incoming recession until the election's over because not only did he not eliminate the national debt which he obviously wasn't going to do, not only did he not eliminate the deficit which would still be unlikely, he's increased the debt by a trillion dollars every year he's been in office because of his retarded Bush-tier tax cuts that were virtually all for the absolute top, and overall becoming just a standard Republican that occasionally says dumb shit and gets libtards seething, so I think you're thinking of /r/the_Donald, who go 'muh economy' because big number good even though he had virtually nothing to do with the stock market's increases, they don't even own stocks and like I mentioned the bubble is going to burst.
https://youtu.be/YW4CvC5IaFITrump is owned by Adelson so he's more Jewish than Bernie could ever dream of being and Bernie's literally Jewish.
I don't even support Bernie (although his position on the banks is based) but Trump is an institutionalised sellout neocon