>>57424313>Scizorsmoothed over for babies
>Umbreona complete nothing design
>Espeoneven worse of a complete nothing design
>Porygon2again, preevo but smooth this time
>Hitmontophunh, I thought making a fat cross gen evo was unforgivable? and this one is made of bubblegum and toothpicks
>Blisseychansey but with more curls
>Crobarremoves the one unique thing about its preevo and offers nothing in return
>Kingdrapreevo but smooth and a smaller mouth so babies can feel less intimidated
>Bellossomrandom changes all-around; random leaf skirt, random 2 flowers, random bobblehead
>All pretty kinothe opposite, fisher price west kanto evos mostly suck
kinnoh's are way better