I feel like I'm going for/getting the same team every time (bayleef, graveler, flaaffy, lapras, kadabra, and eventually ho-oh). the reason why I go for Chikorita is because Cyndaquil and Totodile can potentially solo the game (or at least that's my impression from my time playing gen 2). then I get geodude because he and chikorita cover each other's weaknesses nicely. the rest falls into place and I end up with the same team all over again. I would love to go for guys like Koffing but there's NO FUCKING WAY I'm spending weeks playing Voltorb Flip to get 20,000 for Thunderbolt and Flamethrower.
my experience with cyndaquil is that he's very good in the earlier game but somewhat falls off after Whiteney (if you're raising a team and not just soloing the game with him). his Smokescreen is a godsend against Bugsy's Scyther so Fury Cutter won't be able to hit consecutively. same is true for Whitney's Milktank spamming Rollout, or it would be but it seems she doesn't do that in the remakes? I only remember Stomp, Attract, and Milk Drink, so she might have it and just not be using it for some reason?
Totodile feels super unnecessary as there are tons and tons of water-types in the game. water-type isn't even useful for any of the gyms.
>>55161594small break for now. I don't know what I'm doing wrong as most (if not all) of my deaths were from critical hits.