>>56868055It's genuinely hard to count because of how most places that have all of the archetypes also list sub archetypes
Stuff how technically "Dante" is an archetype because Beatrice can use any "Dante" card but all Dante cards are part of the Burning Abyss archetype or how some archetypes are separated into halves(sometimes even more) that have stuff that works with one half or stuff that works with two halves like you have D/D(the low level stuff) and D/D/D (the boss monsters) or even stuff that is part of the same strategy but are multiple archetypes like how you have Predaplants that are meant to work with the Starving Venom monsters because of the anime
Like the most extreme example of archetypes that are meant to work together is Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, it is part of 9 archetypes that are mostly sub archetypes of each other
>Galaxy-Eyes is played by both one of the main rivals and one of the main villains in Zexal>The main deck of the rival is Galaxy cards>The main deck of the villain is Tachyon>Then said villain has support specifically for the bosses so the Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragons>Number monsters are a collection of more than 100 monsters that are the focus of the Zexal anime>Number Cs are evolutions of number monsters>The C in the name is short for Chaos an archetype that doesn't really interact with the C cards much but they are still Chaos cards by definition>The over 100 numbers (101 to 107) are the collection of numbers used by the main villain group>The C version of said groupIt's funny how none of that matters in the end since the more specific stuff like the C10X only matters for 3 cards that are meme cards that only anime autists who would already know the difference would play like pic related and most people just care that it's a Galaxy and Tachyon card for the actual good support