Cut would have resulted in a Calem win. Why? Because Calem needs to CUT it out with his faggotry and become alpha.Tackle is the losing choice because guys tackling guys is generally considered gay and that's what Calem is trying so hard NOT to be.Any other suggestion outside of A&B would have resulted in a tie and the Mega Ring getting chopped in half.>>16586867"Hexcalibur, Tackle!"
The sword rolls his eye, "FOOL. No wonder you're such a pathetic trainer, it's because you still retain dumb moves like 'Tackle' in a Pokemon's movepool. To put a loser move on a great almighty Pokemon such as Hexcalibur is asking for a night in the gallows!"
Regardless of how stupid the move call is, Hexcalibur charges after Helioptile to execute a Tackle.
It is a grave mistake.
Miss Leading has one final trick up her sleeve, and although it involves risking her Helioptile's lovely Metronome streak in order to do it, it's well worth it. She pops her knuckles and readies to order the finishing blow.
Dark Pulse."
Your mouth drops. That one just came outta nowhere.
"Oh god...FUCKFUCKFUCK HEXCALIBUR GET OUT OF THERE BEFORE THOSE DARK THOUGHTS PROTRUDE YOUR MIND AND RAPE IT!--...actually wait on second thought that MAY be a good thing for you! You could use a brain washing!"
Hexcalibur scoffs, "FOOL! You can't be serious. Are you really such a novice at type-advantages that you've clearly forgotten that Steel resists Da-"
Dark Pulse hits Hexcalibur hard, raping his mind slate clean in a manner similar to Skrelp's Psybeam business.
Dark and malevolent thoughts flow through his mind at a rapid pace, quickly overloading him. These thoughts range from psychotic, to deranged, to downright delusional.