Other aspects of Buzzwole's design also convey how it is meant to be more alien than the average Pokemon while still being familiar to viewers. For example, the Swollen Pokemon possesses six limbs and two sets of wings, which is both unusual for Pokemon based on flying insects and very much the standard for their real-world counterparts.
The crowning touch that solidifies Buzzwole as a master class in communication through design is the structure of the Ultra Beast's head. Here, more than any other part of its body, Buzzwole is purely mosquito. There is hardly a trace of humanity to be found. The closest thing to a human facial structure to be found on it are the black bulbs above its proboscis, which are nothing more than the bases of its antennae. Interestingly, however, the parts that correspond to a mosquito's eyes have the same outward appearance as the muscle-like sacs covering the rest of its body. This creates a somewhat subtle visual pun (Buzzwole is a musclehead) while also ensuring that, even though this monster clearly has sight (it'd have to in order to communicate with a flex), humans will struggle to empathize with it because its array of compound eyes will not convey any emotion. The lack of shorthand for expressing intentions serves to make Buzzwole seem all the more unknowable and dangerous both in-universe and out.