>>49932744https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Eiscue_(Pok%C3%A9mon)#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_2>It drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a frigid place. It keeps its head iced constantly to make sure it stays nice and cold.Keeps its head iced, meaning it specifically chooses to be in Ice Face form
>The hair on its head connects to the surface of its brain. When this Pokémon has something on its mind, its hair chills the air around it.Hair acts as a temp-control appendage that also reacts to its emotions, think a chameleon's color changing abilities having both a biological purpose and being emotion-driven
The head as a floatation device comes directly from the game, you see it in Crown Tundra using it to keep to the surface of the water
Play the fucking games before talking shit