>>42219478Speaking about datamines and valentines, I remember posting something like this
https://pastebin.com/AR0L4Uu2months ago but I'm back since I'm only starting to understand some of the things that this implies right now
>A Red alt, related to the PML according to his sync move background>A second Red alt, no clue about it other than the fact that it exists>Kukui(ignore the two Korrinas, the second one is only represented by the same sync move background as the first one but wider)
>A second Brock alt, the weird numbering (_51) makes me think about a seasonal/special alt (ch0015_02_takeshi and ch0015_03_takeshi are just shirtless regular and sygna brock, ignore them)>Sygna Suit Blue>A grimsley alt, that no clue about it other than the fact that it exists, with a numbering identical to the seasonal siebold and rosa (_10). Note that Christmas Rosa was in the exact same situation(ignore the two Rachels, the first one is only represented by the same images as the first one)
>ORAS Male Ace Trainer(_09 are just Team Break versions of generic trainers)
>Steven [daigo]>Sygna Suit Cynthia (kommo-o)>Camilla, a possible second rival>An Elesa alt [kamitsure], again we don't have a clue about it other than the fact that it exists, with the same numbering as seasonal Siebold and Rosa (_10)>FRLG Misty>Jasmine [mikan]>Sabrina [natsume]>Lillie>Gladion>Fantina [melissa]>Valerie [mache]>4th mon for the MC, a Kalos starter judging by their sync move backgroundThere's also some interesting quest names like "Introducing Nate", "A Day with Steven" or "A Day with N"
I'm just going to throw WILD GUESSES and say that
>Grimsley and Elesa will be the ones featured in a valentines event should this one exist>Red will be the winner of the PML and/or revealed to be the one who beat Lear befor and his first / second alt will celebrate this>the MC will get Froakie which will be able to use battle bond to use ash-greninja in battlesorry for the wall of text