>>40597874>What mon would you like to be turned into and why?Raichu, more specifically an Alolan one, not only can I be my own battery but I have psychic powers to and can fly around on my tail giving me a lot of options for getting around.
>If you had a choice what kind of world would you like to live in?Either world is fine for me,If i wound up in living in same human world I live in now I would be unstoppable if I avoided too much human contact and stayed in the wild, In the mainline world i would have free access to healing and in the mystery dungeons world I could probably make an actual living as an explorer or something.
>Would you still want to wear clothing?Sure, probably stuff like small tops that could fit me along accessories like hats or scarfs and I would change em out depending on the weather.
>What would you do in your new form?I would just wander and explore the world around me, visit different places, probably even bring a little sketch book and use my psychic powers to sketch all the sights i would see in it.