>>55007685What OP doesn't specify is that back in gen5 Competitive didn't exist yet & is a clone of Defiant so I doubt GF will do anything too drastic for any of the returning Starters but here we go:
>VenusaurChlorophyll is perfect
>BlastoiseSturdy or Bulletproof
>MeganiumTriage, giving Floral Healing, Heal Pulse, & Strength Sap
>FeraligatrStrong Jaw, giving Psychic Fangs & Poison Fang
>SceptileSolar Power, giving Weather Ball
>BlazikenSpeed Boost is perfect
>SerperiorContrary is perfect, giving Super Power, Scale Shot, & Power Whip
>EmboarReckless is perfect, giving Victory Dance, Drain Punch, & Jump Kick
>IncinroarIntimidate is perfect
>PrimarinaLiquid Voice adding a ×1.2 boost & make Sparkling Aria a Fairy move so that Liquid Voice can turn it Water