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Pokemon takes place in a world where Japan won the cold war and retook Karafuto. Kalos is the worst region as they got nuked by the Soviets into shittiness and white people emigrated to Japan to avoid the shittiness of their post war backwaters (citation Fantina and Lt. Surge). Pokemon games are about the unity between the white man and women of all races against international Judeo-Bolshevism. Why is it all evil teams engage in pyramid schemes and archaic profiteering plans when local town authorities are able to pay for electricity, healthcare and education? They are relics of the prior international Jewish elite class who too sought to re-establish and restructure itself. You journey in the world of Pokemon alongside the wild animals of the land to gain harmony with nature and harmony against homosexuality. It is the perverted greed of the Jew which soiled the once noble affection between the white man and Pokeloli and the love between the white man and the Pokemon. You right the wrongs of your ancestors and finish off international Judaism as you must. ZOG controls modern Pokemon and lost this key component of the franchise.