>>47789449>Do you think it’s awkward for a chimp, your closest biological relative, to be put on a leash?I'd argue theirs a pretty sizable difference from the way you treat something like a Pokemon to the way you'd treat a chimp. I'd feel a bit odd about seeing something like
>>47786923 happen in public. I can accept someone leashing a creature that's at risk of hurting someone else or itself or getting lost, but if its something as smart as a Gardevoir or Mr. Mime or whatever, its a bit strange. Context always matters of course.
> After all there’s no issues with feeding them dog food on the floor.Pokemon Food is Pokemon food, and many of them eat at the table. If there exist both people who let Pokemon eat at the table and people that have Pokemon sit on the floor, you're going to have some people find OP's case a bit strange, context dependent of course.