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I got numbers this time. First off is that Dawn's first Contest comes on episode 11, whereas May's was episode 35 and Serena's first performance was episode 60. The amount of focus the female companion's goals get was already abundantly clear in AG, but it seems like Dawn's storyline of being a Top Coordinator is going to get even more screentime, which is a plus. It also helps that she begins with that goal, whereas it took May 13 or 16 episodes (depending on how you figure it) and Serena around 40.
Second number is that in the Hoenn and Kanto Grand Festivals there were 247 and 240 Coordinators competing, respectively. Rounding up and multiplying by five (the number of ribbons needed) that means that there are at least 1000 Contests in Hoenn and Kanto in any given year (or on average, a little under 3 a day). If Sinnoh is the same, that's 3000 over all three regions. So the Nurse Joys are all obviously different people, and we can assume that Vivian/Lillian have a Sinnoh variant, even if her name didn't come up, but Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo are ostensibly the same every time. How do they make it to every Contest, or are there Contests where someone else serves as the judge in lieu of them? If we were to peer at May in Johto, would her Contests have a totally different set of judges?