Alright I'm taking a break on Run and Bun for now. I doubt I'll make it far without fully succumbing to calcing/memorizing AI patterns and that's not fun for me. Not to mention I barely update because the runs wipe too fast.
I'll be playing Inclement Emerald blind instead because why the fuck not. This version has up to Gen 7, not sure if there's a newer version with Gen 8 but whatever. Playing on Hard difficulty, More level caps. Rollan for starter, 1-3 = Treecko, 4-6 = Torchic, 7-9 = Mudkip. 0 = Random.
>>54538421Oof. At least your losses are pretty minor. Maybe evolving Pineco would've helped.
>>54538991Love that you're keeping Beautifly.
>>54539326Nice work! Love Munna. When do you plan on evolving him?
>>54539885Classic shiny Golbat. Cool name.
>>54541977Congrats on beating Gold! What was your final team for Red?
>>54542266Modest Butterfree is pretty clutch. Nice start! Interesting choice not going for Onix, hope it pays off.
>>54543034Yeah, Snorlax and Aerodactyl are famous for being hard carries in FR/LG. Congrats!
>>54543633Been there. You still a pretty solid core team (and a Furret), it's not over yet.