Really? Brawly is where things go wrong?
I thought we were just gonna sweep with Valet's Wing Attacks but we barely missed on oneshotting Machop and got hurt badly by a Karate Chop. Didn't want to risk the same thing happening against Makuhita so I switched out to Thyme, expecting him to be strong enough to beat it. Instead Brawly just set up a bunch of Bulk Ups, heals up and utterly destroys Grovyle. Valet again barely missed the kill and went down the same way. Luckily it was now low enough that Tycoon could finish it off.
In hindsight I should've just stayed in with Valet but my own caution was my undoing.
Granite Cave wasn't the best place for my team to grind so they're not quite as levelled as they should be. Will have to wait and see what I catch next to decide who I'm grinding up though, I already tried dropping Nincada before Brawly.
Still can't believe Brawly of all people did this much damage, I've never struggled against him in my life.
>>55072949>>55073714Damn that should last you a good while. I'd say Espeon is always a solid choice for Eevee in BW2, but it really depends on its stats and your team.
>>55070246Lugia should carry you through most of Kanto at those levels anyway. I assume you already got the pass by now, but you need to do a little sidequest with the mimic girl in Saffron.
>>55065386Well that sucks, hope you find a way to fix it.
>Slaking is more fun IMOYeah that's the plan, seems like a fun nuke option. Guess I don't need to worry about waiting for leaf blade anymore though..
>>55064974Nice job man, Kyurem & Ghetsis can be tough. Metagross is an amazing last member though, good luck against the E4.