This is my team on cart for Battlespot and also happens to be my bros. I shit my pants when my first Litwick egg came out shiny, had to blow an ability capsule and so many fucking bottle caps.
>>378391024/6, Typhlosion and Umbreon are total bros but the card is a little too cutesy for my taste.
>>378392196/6 if that is a M-Mawile. I dig. Feminine but not over-the-top.
>>378396360/6, Imposterchan. Nobody can replace the real ROCKMAN.
>>378396885/6, love Dragonite, Scizor, and Excadrill.
>>378397803/6. I love Pikaboo and Infernape but shiny Scizor is an abomination and something else here is just off to me. Respect for a FWG core though.
>>378398295/6 my fellow-UB bro.