>>55728453Generally I assume its a case by case situation. If a Pokémon can show that its not being forced or seems unhappy or is not comfortable with or has been coerced into a romantic partnership with a Human or Pokémon I don't think people care? There's Rotom's that can translate for cases where it could be questioned or the Pokémon likely can just talk for itself. I cannot imagine the general utopic world of Pokémon that has openly trans characters being happy and free, seemingly free health care, and a general pro companionship/friendship/familial love theme going on would really have a problem with a consensual romantic pair between a Pokémon and Human.
There will be people who might not like it though (Similar to transphobes and homophobes still being a thing irl), though I get the feeling that might be more an outliner case than the norm in the Pokémon world.