>>43987430they are my dark gym oc's they have a mafia-like theme going on. You'd go into an alleyway to fend off against people, Double battles, Rotations, and Tripple running through people's houses and fighting them off all leading up to the mansion of the gym leaders/the mafia family.
Here depending on which game you have (or who's available), you'd fight Braeden or Dracul, Before the battle, the lights go out and you get mugged for your mega stones or w/e and if you do happen to have one on you that they can use, they'll use it. And on top of all of that, It's an inverse battle. you'd likely get hints while in their city about them before fighting them. They aren't really official gym leaders but they fight like they are, They even could if they weren't a crime syndicate. They protected the city once from some legendary pokemon and now the city is in debt to them. Overall? nice folk, they have a family and their kids are walking along somewhere training their mons
Braeden has
Mightyena, Honchkrow, variant chandelure who mimics
the chandelier you battle under
Dracul has
Absol, Houndoom and a Hydreigon, it's signature pokemon they have more but i dont want to put a wall of text around here
>>43987992Yea I've just been trying to get good