Recently, I drew KFC doing some training.
>>56856618Thanks anon, I'm glad you liked it!
>>56848864Surprised to see this old doodle of mine again. Don't worry, he's not exploding--he's just fluffing himself up with Cotton Guard.
>>56835369I've been neglecting thread questions, so I'll answer these ones.
>What is the most technologically advanced thing that you think the PMD world should have?I always imagined the world having mostly medieval-level tech, but Pokemon's abilities and the items found in dungeons might allow them to develop/build some more advanced things than you'd expect.
>Do you prefer PMD dungeons that attempt puzzles/gimmicks like aegis cave, or do you always want them to have a more traditional challenge?Gimmicks can be a neat way to break up the formula, but only if they're handled well. Case in point, Aegis Cave was a nightmare.
>Do you like having strong miniboss-like enemies roaming in dungeons, such as the "strong foes" in rtdx?I think it's a cool idea, as long as it's balanced and the minibosses aren't super OP.
>What is your most hated piece of PMD fan media (comics, art, romhacks, etc.)?I haven't dived very deep into PMD fanworks, honestly. I've seen some low-quality fanworks, but I don't exactly hate any of them.