I went into Pokemon X and Y completely blind, can confirm it was absolute dogshit anyways
>stayed off of 4chan for months to avoid spoilers>only saw the starters first stage, xerneas, yveltal, and sylveon>didn't even know about fairys or megas>mfw the forest is an exact copy of viridian forest>mfw they give you the fucking kanto starters>on top of that there was a free torchic>mfw they also give you a free lucario>not just a free lucario, its a fucking bullshit super lucario>"hey I'm mega lucario, but u can call me Coldsteel ;)">mfw my middle stage grass starter (can't remember the name because it was so shitty) evolves into Chestnaught>mfw I got fed up with the shit and looked up the Kalos pokedex>71 pokemon>oh and btw fairies are 100% immune to dragonsPic related sums up my feelings on gen 6 perfectly.
I want to do Sun and Moon blind but I really don't want to go through that again.
Should I just bite the bullet and put my pokemon filter on again /vp/?
i already know Im going to buy them anyways, so whats the point in reading up on them
>>27283209Kek did somebody leave the sink running