Made my way through Mt. Moon, but on the way Lope got crit by that one trainer with the level 15 Spearow on the first hit. RIP. Can't mourn him too much though, because almost immediately afterwards in Route 4, I caught another Rattata, this time one that actually has Guts. Also ended up with a Paras on my team that I might keep around for the memes. Beat Misty, but it was a close fight against her Staryu and Starmie. Philip ultimately pulled it off though.
>>46422954Congrats, Anon! Really cool team.
>>46422319>>46422819I was getting ready to go into Victory Road lol, but my team wasn't super fun so I'm not that beat up about it. Ivysaur, Nidoking, and Spearow/Pidgeotto seems like a good core to build around.
>>46422743I'd say Miracle Seed
>>46422964If you have a Zigzagoon you can evolve into Linoone and teach it Rock Smash, that can be a decent counter to his Magneton.