https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9bPD50SGeg"The love doctor is in. And the prognosis.........IS TERMINAL!"
Annoyed to the ends of the earth with this high-class douche bogging her down, Elina just can't wait for your big entrance anymore. With a siren's yell, she blows Sean the fuck out in front of the audience, earning horrified gasps from his family.
The make-up that was used to cover Sean's previous nosebleed blown off revealing the stains of the first one to the guests, in addition to a second that bursts out of his nostrils like fucking Old Faithful. He falls to the ground with a thud.
His parents are in an outcry.
His mom flings shit at Elina's mom, "Goodness gracious! Control your insane daughter, she's going to tear the ENTIRE stage apart!"
"Well I /NEVER/!"
Expertly using what little time she has before Sean gets back up, Elina grabs a hold of the audience's attention, "I would rather wear these old rags than marry that DICK! BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THIS DOUCHEBAG IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST SUITOR IN EXISTENCE! He doesn't even like me, he's been stalking me like a fr-freaking creeper for eons, he only wants me for my money, h-he wants to take over CNN and he's been rusing you ALL this whole time into liking him! Don't believe his lies, I'm not crazy--HE'S THE CRAZY ONE!"
Fortunately Elina's parents are not retards, and no matter how much their daughteru shames them, it'd be stupid to stop believing in her because of that. Her father approaches Sean as he wakes up, "Is this true Sean? Do you really want to give Ted Turner the D?"
>Sean...A) blows Elina's dad right the fuck out.
B) outwits Elina with a clever counter-lie!
C) rushes the marriage ceremony before anyone else can interfere.