>>56098551No, I didn't invalidate anything at all. I don't give any credit to paranormal magazines, I've said it many times. On the other hand, you use them in your argument.
I didn't mention Gourging-Fire to say "there are fossils", no it's to show the absurdity of considering magazines the way you do. Because one will say that there are no fossils of Slither-Wings and the other will affirm that there are fossils of Gourging-Fire. It's called counter-arguing, highlighting YOUR inconsistency.
In my case, I do not consider the mention of Gourgeing-Fire fossil as an argument.
I explained about fossils. I am firm on this subject: not all the species that have existed have necessarily left a trace, or they are so old that it has been erased over time. Which means, whether or not fossils exist does not change the scientific facts I am listing. I use the AI dialogues which affirm that the Paradoxes have existed or will exist as a source.
So there is a difference between you who identifies false inconsistencies due to a lack of general knowledge about fossils and who deliberately ignores that the magazine is not reliable. And me using AI's speak based on years of in-game research + real-world notions about fossilization.
Don't pretend to be stupid and not understand. It doesn't make you any smarter in the debate. Stop burying your head in the sand and read what you are told !