Want to lose your shit? Watch this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vte9sj4qP_k>>11880108Are you me?>>11879669The tie was randomized.You ignore the race car, giant hat, and statue of Cheren and that bitch Snivy of his.
Your next decision is to go to the reverse-waterfall. Or is it waterup given the context? Regardless of the label, you don't have to pressure Oshawott into using Waterfall to help get you up, with the water flowing upward, you and Hilda just jump on a passing log, effectively breaking the laws of physics even more.
Tepig stuffs himself under Hilda's hat while the girl scouts out her surroundings, "Hmph. This dimensional shit BETTER not ruin my hair, or you're getting it, assface."
"I like how you're thinking about asses right now."
The log makes it to the top of the waterfall, and you and Hilda hop off of it. The log, like everything else drifting into the water, is ultimately consumed by a giant Wailord/Walrein hybrid.
"GOODBYE.~" giant, pus-leaking pores appear on the hybrid's head, which leak Drifloons instead of actual pus. On its back, surinam toad back holes split its skin apart.
Drifloons appear out of those too.
The hybrid is carried off into the distance by over a million Drifloons struggling to keep it in the air.
In their wake, they drop a key into Hilda's hands.
Three doors suddenly appear in front of you.
"I don't need to explain what you need to do here now, do I princess?"
Hilda rolls her eyes and bonks you with the key, "Shut up before I shove this down your throat and make you my clownbitch." she and Tepig walk up to the doors, wondering which to unlock.
You look at Oshawott with a puzzled look, "....Clownbitch?"
>IMPORTANT QUESTION: Which door to unlock?A) Red door.
B) Blue door.
C) Green door.