Quoted By:
>Pokémon Sun and Moon turn out to be the worst entries in the series,
>The game is casualized to the point where it'll be a good two hours before you get to the second town,
>Every battle is a pushover, and UBs are pathetic, just to make sure the game is easy enough for kids,
>All Pokémon are shown before release, the roster is terrible and almost as small as XY's roster,
>The story and writing are laughable, very generic and boring.
>Most battles look choppy and ugly, and the soundtrack is mediocre at best,
>Team Aether are the good guys and Guzma turns out to be an asshole in the end, calling his grunts and Plumeria worthless,w
>Postgame is shittier than X and Y, you get BP by beating the Elite Four/Championship, but it isn't a rematch, trainers have the same teams.
How mad would you be?