>>27153636Any marked and noticeable asymmetry or disproportionality of body and limbs is always a grave sign. It indicates serious disharmony in the invisible character of a person, and is a warning of every imaginable trouble, endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, and otherwise.
Greninja bears thighs of extreme deviation from the normal, in fact, it is one of its signature characteristics, but to those who see it as a sexual lure can only be giving into a primal urge that disregards morbid excess or extremes, rather than bearing an instinct to beauty and health. The size of Greninja’s thighs, in conjunction with their oblong and fat shape, may indicate, besides disharmony, the inheritance only of the thigh segment of body from a thicker, more froglike parent, lipedema, eunuchoidism, rheumatic fever, and a neurotic or consumptive tendency. It may also indicate an abnormal growth of long bones, possibly as a result of gonad insufficiency at puberty and later.
To draw attention to these bulbous thighs, the designers of Greninja, once again under the assumption that mixing and matching traits of frog and human together without regard to beauty or concord, bestowed Greninja with very thin and weak thighs. In addition to the objections I made in my first critique, this is ugly and is associated with muscular dystrophy and tuberculosis. Indians of the 1500’s associated a long and meatless pair of shins in a girl with a cruel and vicious temperament, for it once again corresponds to the occasional sadism associated with the schizophrenic tendencies of the above feature. It may also be linked with hyperthyroidism and hypopituitarism as connected symptoms.