>>26820731>Mr.Verlisify, I see that you have two of the exact same pokemon with the same data information. Do you know the probability of this occurring is?N..nno mister Game Freak Legitimacy Checker....
>Astronomical. Now tell me, why did you think genning a pokemon, twice no less, was in any way, a good idea?I..its not genned ss...sir, its cloned..
>Ah, so you admit it, you cloned your own pokemon. Do you know what we do with cloners Mr.Verlisify?Y...YIFF!!! YIFF!!!!
>Ah yes, the Furry's tactic of last resort. When in doubt. Yiff. Don't worry Mr.Verlisify, I'm not killing you because your a furry, I'm killing you because you're a cloner, only one step higher then a pokemon genner. YIFFF!! YIFFF!!!